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A dream came true:
My Internship at a Premier League Football Club

​  Internship 2018  

Hello dear reader,

My name is Julius, I am from Germany. From October 29th, 2018 to December 14th, 2018 I did a 7-week internship at the first league football club "Club Universidad de Chile". During this time, I learned a lot about the South American football tradition. In addition, I was allowed to experience a home game up close and was part of the great atmosphere in their stadium. The home game was also definitely one of the best moments during my stay in Santiago. During my internship, I worked full-time and helped the marketing team to translate Spanish texts into English and improve their presentations.

In my free time (mainly on weekends) I explored Santiago and the surrounding areas such as, for example, Valparaíso. Valparaíso is really one of the most beautiful cities I have ever seen, because it is full of so many amazing graffiti without having a criminal background. This is because artists usually ask the owner of a restaurant for permission before spraying their walls.

But also in Santiago I spent exciting weekends, because a city with over 7 million inhabitants can always show something that you have not seen before. Also, the experience of living abroad was fantastic. I really wanted to get to know the world and as a football fan it was even cooler to work for such a successful club. Since the Chileans were very nice, I can only say good things and almost felt like home. The best and most exciting experience I had in Chile, however, was my trip to the Atacama Desert, which I was able to do thanks to the extended weekend of All Saints Day.

The impressions I took home from there are unforgettable! Therefore, I recommend anyone who travels to Chile to see as much of this country as possible.

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